Beyond the Job Description: What NZ General Managers Really Look for


In the bustling and dynamic world of New Zealand's hospitality industry, General Managers (GMs) play a crucial role, particularly in recruitment. While technical skills and qualifications are vital, they merely scratch the surface. What do GMs in our unique hospitality landscape really look for when they're building their teams? The answer may surprise you.

Hotel & Restaurant Recruitment Agency New Zealand

Interpersonal Skills & Emotional Intelligence

Great GMs recognize that the human touch is at the heart of hospitality. They look for candidates who:

a. Empathize and Communicate:

  • Are able to put themselves in others' shoes and communicate with warmth and clarity. This means engaging with guests, understanding their needs, and facilitating open dialogue within the team.

b. Build Relationships:

  • Are adept at forming connections and nurturing relationships, not only with guests but with fellow team members and suppliers. It's about creating a network of trust and mutual respect.

Vision Alignment & Cultural Fit

Beyond the skill set, GMs often seek individuals who:

a. Align with the Company's Vision:

  • Truly resonate with the company's long-term goals, values, and mission. This alignment helps foster a united and motivated team that strives for common objectives.

b. Fit the Culture:

  • Add to the existing workplace culture in a positive way. This includes adapting to the dynamics of the team, upholding shared values, and contributing to a harmonious environment.

Integrity & Ethical Considerations

Trustworthiness is paramount, and GMs look for candidates who:

a. Demonstrate Honesty and Reliability:

  • Consistently act with integrity, are reliable, and adhere to ethical principles. They are honest about their capabilities and show a commitment to their responsibilities.

Creativity & Problem-Solving Abilities

The hospitality industry is ever-changing, and top GMs look for individuals who:

a. Think Innovatively:

  • Embrace creative thinking and aren’t afraid to explore new ways of doing things. They add fresh perspectives and inspire others to think outside the box.

b. Solve Problems Effectively:

  • Can analyze challenges, think critically, and come up with effective solutions. They remain calm under pressure and approach problems with a can-do attitude.

Commitment to Excellence & Continuous Improvement

A dedication to quality is key, and GMs seek those who:

a. Strive for Quality in Every Interaction:

  • Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch service. They take pride in their work and aim for excellence in even the smallest details.

b. Show a Passion for Continuous Growth:

  • Recognize the importance of constant learning and personal growth. They seek opportunities to upskill, embrace feedback, and always strive to improve.


Recruitment in New Zealand's hospitality industry is a multifaceted process. It's about more than resumes and job descriptions; it's about finding the right fit for a complex and vibrant landscape. GMs look beyond the obvious, seeking qualities like empathy, alignment with vision, integrity, creativity, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. These unspoken attributes form the foundation of successful teams in our industry, and understanding them is key for those aspiring to be part of this exciting world.



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