The Impact of COVID-19 on Hospitality Recruitment in New Zealand

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on many industries worldwide, and the hospitality sector is no exception. In New Zealand, the impact of the pandemic has been particularly significant, as the country's borders have been closed to international visitors for most of 2020 and 2021. This has led to a dramatic decline in demand for hospitality services, resulting in many businesses struggling to survive.

The hospitality industry's workforce has also been heavily affected, with many employees losing their jobs or having their hours reduced. As a result, hospitality recruitment in New Zealand has become increasingly challenging, with employers facing a range of obstacles when it comes to attracting and retaining talent.

The Current State of Hospitality Recruitment in New Zealand

Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Hospitality Recruitment in New Zealand

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the hospitality industry in New Zealand, leading to widespread business closures and a significant decrease in demand for hospitality services. As a result, the job market has become increasingly competitive, with many experienced hospitality workers seeking alternative employment in other industries.

Hospitality Recruitment After Covid

The Importance of Recruiting and Retaining the Right Staff

Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, it is still essential for hospitality businesses to recruit and retain the right staff. Recruiting and retaining high-quality staff is crucial for maintaining a high level of service, ensuring customer satisfaction, and building a strong brand reputation.

The Challenges of Hospitality Recruitment in the Age of COVID-19

Adapting to Changing Workforce Demands

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant changes in the needs and demands of the hospitality workforce. Employers must be willing to adapt to these changes and be flexible in their approach to recruitment and retention.

Meeting Health and Safety Requirements

With the ongoing threat of the pandemic, hospitality employers in New Zealand must prioritize health and safety requirements to protect their employees and customers. This includes implementing appropriate safety measures, providing personal protective equipment, and enforcing social distancing protocols.

Lack of Demand and Revenue

Diversifying Services and Offerings

With the decrease in demand for traditional hospitality services, businesses must find ways to diversify their offerings to attract new customers and generate revenue. This may include expanding into new areas, such as catering or takeout services, or partnering with other businesses to offer joint promotions and packages.

Reducing Costs and Maximizing Efficiency

In the face of reduced demand and revenue, businesses must also focus on reducing costs and maximizing efficiency. This may include implementing cost-saving measures, such as reducing staff hours or renegotiating contracts with suppliers, or finding new ways to streamline operations to increase productivity and profitability.

Technology and Digital Recruitment Solutions

Utilizing Online Recruitment Platforms

With pretty much every job seeker turning to online platforms to search for job opportunities, hospitality businesses can benefit from utilizing these platforms to reach a wider pool of candidates. This includes job search engines, social media platforms, and company websites.

Adopting New Technologies and Tools

The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of new technologies in the hospitality industry, includingJob Vacancies in the New Zealand Hospitality Industry virtual interviews and remote onboarding. Adopting these technologies can streamline recruitment processes and reduce costs associated with in-person interviews and training.

Training and Development for Hospitality Employees

Prioritizing Employee Development and Retention

Investing in employee training and development is critical for building a strong and capable workforce. This not only improves employee morale and retention but also helps businesses maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

Promoting Team Building and Collaboration

Effective team building and collaboration can lead to a more productive and efficient workforce. This can be achieved through team-building activities, cross-training programs, and other initiatives that encourage communication and teamwork among employees.

Attracting and Retaining High-Quality Hospitality Candidates

Building a Strong Employer Brand

Creating a strong employer brand can attract high-quality candidates and improve retention rates. This includes promoting a positive workplace culture, offering competitive compensation and benefits packages, and prioritizing employee well-being.

Providing Growth and Advancement Opportunities

Offering growth and advancement opportunities can also help attract and retain top talent in the hospitality industry. This includes providing clear career paths, offering training and development programs, and recognizing and rewarding employee achievements.


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many challenges for the hospitality industry in New Zealand, but with the right strategies in place, businesses can overcome these obstacles and succeed in this new environment. By understanding the impact of the pandemic on hospitality recruitment, adopting a strategic approach to recruitment and retention, collaborating with other businesses, creating a positive workplace culture, investing in training and development, and embracing team building, collaboration, technology, and innovation, hospitality businesses can position themselves for success in the future.


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