Why a Personal Touch is Essential in Hospitality Recruitment and How to Achieve It

Why a Personal Touch is Essential in Hospitality Recruitment


The hospitality industry is a people-centric business, where providing personalized experiences and exceptional service to guests is key to success. However, finding the right people to deliver on this promise can be a challenge. This is where hospitality recruitment comes in. Hospitality recruitment is the process of finding, attracting, and hiring the right talent to meet the specific needs of a hospitality business.

In hospitality recruitment, the personal touch is essential. The personal touch involves treating candidates as individuals, making them feel valued, and providing a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process. By providing a personal touch in recruitment, hospitality businesses can attract top talent, build a strong employer brand, and increase employee retention.

The purpose of this article is to explore the importance of a personal touch in hospitality recruitment and share tips on how to achieve it. By the end of this article, you will understand why a personal touch is crucial in hospitality recruitment and have practical ideas on how to incorporate it into your recruitment process.

What is the Personal Touch in Hospitality Recruitment?

The personal touch in hospitality recruitment refers to the human element that is infused into the recruitment process. It involves treating candidates as individuals rather than just another applicant and creating a positive candidate experience throughout the hiring process.

In the context of hospitality recruitment, the personal touch can take many forms, including:

1. Tailoring the recruitment process to the candidate

A personalized recruitment process involves customizing the hiring process to the candidate's needs, skills, and experience. This can include providing a flexible interview schedule or offering a job shadowing opportunity to help the candidate get a better understanding of the job requirements.

2. Providing a welcoming and inclusive environment

Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is crucial in hospitality recruitment. This involves providing a warm and friendly welcome to candidates and creating a culture that values diversity and inclusion.

3. Regular communication

Effective communication is key to providing a personal touch in hospitality recruitment. This includes keeping candidates informed throughout the recruitment process and providing timely feedback to keep them engaged.

4. Going the extra mile

Providing a personal touch in hospitality recruitment also means going above and beyond to make candidates feel valued and appreciated. This can include offering a tour of the hotel or restaurant, introducing candidates to the team, or providing additional resources to help them prepare for the job.

By incorporating these elements into the recruitment process, hospitality businesses can create a positive and memorable candidate experience that sets them apart from competitors.

How to Achieve a Personal Touch in Hospitality Recruitment

The Importance of the Personal Touch in Hospitality Recruitment

The personal touch is essential in hospitality recruitment for several reasons. First, it helps to attract top talent to your organization. Candidates are more likely to choose a company that makes them feel valued and appreciated throughout the recruitment process. A personalized approach can also help you identify candidates who are a good fit for your organization and who are more likely to stay with you for the long term.

Second, the personal touch can help you build a strong employer brand. A positive candidate experience can help spread the word about your organization and attract more qualified candidates to your organization. It can also help to create a positive perception of your organization in the community.

Finally, providing a personal touch in hospitality recruitment can help to increase employee retention. Candidates who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be engaged and committed to their jobs. This, in turn, can lead to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates

How to Achieve the Personal Touch in Hospitality Recruitment

Incorporating the personal touch into your hospitality recruitment process may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some practical tips for achieving the personal touch:

1. Develop a candidate-centric approach

Develop a recruitment process that is centered around the needs and experience of the candidate. This can involve providing a clear job description, using a candidate-focused application process, and providing timely feedback to candidates throughout the recruitment process.

2. Build a welcoming and inclusive culture

Creating a welcoming and inclusive culture can help to attract a diverse pool of candidates and make them feel valued and appreciated. This can include providing diversity and inclusion training to staff, promoting open communication, and celebrating diversity within the organization.

3. Make the recruitment process personal

Personalizing the recruitment process can help to create a positive candidate experience. This can include tailoring the interview questions to the candidate's experience, offering a tour of the facility, or providing additional resources to help them prepare for the job.

4. Focus on communication

Effective communication is crucial in hospitality recruitment. This includes keeping candidates informed throughout the recruitment process, providing timely feedback, and following up with candidates after the interview to thank them for their time and provide any additional information they may need.

By incorporating these tips into your hospitality recruitment process, you can create a personalized and memorable candidate experience that sets you apart from competitors and helps you attract top talent to your organization.h in hospitality recruitment, organizations can reap significant benefits, including attracting top talent, building a strong employer brand, and increasing employee retention. In the next section, we will discuss some practical tips for incorporating the personal touch into your hospitality recruitment process


The personal touch is crucial in hospitality recruitment. By treating candidates as individuals, creating a positive candidate experience, and providing a welcoming and inclusive environment, hospitality businesses can attract top talent, build a strong employer brand, and increase employee retention. Incorporating the personal touch into the recruitment process may seem challenging, but it can be achieved by developing a candidate-centric approach, building a welcoming and inclusive culture, making the recruitment process personal, and focusing on communication. By following these tips, hospitality businesses can create a personalized and memorable candidate experience that sets them apart from competitors and helps them attract the best talent to their organization.


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